Photography News

Despite half a million dollars in crowdfunding support in 2012, and millions more in funding in late 2013, lifelogging camera company... more

Sometimes, when you show an image to somebody, you hear, “Oh man! How lucky you were to catch that light there!.” And yes, there is always a bit of “luck,” but there are also a lot of small details that help you to be better prepared for a photo.

People often ask me how I get a shot, where, which camera, etc. So I decided to write an article to explain a little more about how I’m able to get an image like the one above,... more

Strapping thousands of dollars of camera gear to your body and navigating large crowds of intoxicated fans can present unique risks to professional music photographers. Never is that risk greater than at music festivals.

Weather instantly changes and causes mandatory evacuations. Photographers get robbed and, in extreme cases, personal assaults can come from the most unlikely placethe stage.

The hyper-focus necessary to capture moments of live events for... more

When learning about photography and gear, we all come across these incredible images that have been taken on a wide variety of cameras… but usually with full frame cameras and quality glass. So people often think, “Oh. I need full frame to take these images!”

People don’t often consider that the glass is equally as important. More importantly, great glass is available for your current camera. The problem is that the big camera... more

The engineers at DxOMark have put the iPhone 7 camera through its paces and found it to be a solid upgrade from the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, in terms of both features and image quality. With an overall DxOMark score of 86 it's better than Apple's previous best score of 84 for the... more

A professional camera store in Palo Alto, CA opened the store on Monday morning to find a nasty surprise: they had been robbed through a hole some crooks had cut into the wall behind the Nikon display case.

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This beautiful still frame, captured by travel filmmaker Brandon Li in Hong Kong during a drone test, is a complete accident. And as accidental photos go, it falls somewhere between spectacular and... more

When you want to take a group photo while you’re out and about, it’s often helpful to ask a bystander to take the shot for you. It turns out even the President of the United States is sometimes asked to help shoot photos.

At the grand opening of the National Museum of African American Culture and History in Washington this past weekend, former US President George W Bush was asked by attendees to pose for a photo.

After taking the phone and deciding that... more

After upgrading my phone and switching over to iOS, I began uploading videos and photos to Facebook using the app itself… only to find out that it was not uploading my files in high-definition quality at all.

In case you didn’t know, by default, your app is set to NOT upload them in HD unless you specifically turn it on. The good news is that it’s really easy to do so.

Simply go into your Facebook ... more

Ove Bengtsson looks relaxed despite the scrum taking place around him on the Hasselblad booth. Photo enthusiasts jostle to see the companys latest products while a professional photographer demonstrates various techniques and, no doubt, advantages of the Hasselblad system to a growing crowd, but he seems content to stand back and watch, the hint of a smile on his face.

The... more
