Photography News

Want to see what a speeding bullet leaving a handgun looks like at 73,000 frames per second? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters recently decided to find out by pointing a Phantom v2010 high-speed camera at Hyneman... more

B&H published this 9-minute video in which portrait photographer Peter Hurley opens up his camera bags to give us a tour of the gear he uses on a regular basis.

Inside Hurleys main bag, a Think Tank Photo Airport Security 2.0, he carries a... more

In 2013, my then-girlfriend Martina and I were in Queenstown, New Zealand at the end of a two-month trip. The evening before our journey back home, we went out for a walk, absorbing the magical streets.

At one point in the stroll, my attention was drawn to a busking pianist on the Marine Parade. The music was so amazing, and we lingered for a few minutes just listening to the man play and observing the quiet and melancholy scene (even though we needed to start packing).

I... more

If youve been waiting for the chance to convert your 4×5 large format camera into something that can produce instant results, then you are in luck. A company called CatLabs has launched... more

Linus of LinusTechTips just published the 9-minute video above that explores whether shooting video at 4K resolution is worth it. Using both a Panasonic GH4... more

Earlier this month, the photo sharing service 500px rolled out a new version of its iOS app that focused on sleekness, simplicity, and social sharing. Media outlets immediately pointed out how similar the new app’s look and feel is to other services, particularly Instagram.

Unfortunately for 500px, it seems that many users aren’t responding well to the change... more

As a junior in high school in 1997, when I was deciding which path I wanted to go down, fine arts or photography, things were pretty simple. Did I want to express myself with a camera or a pencil? Inspired by masters like Annie Leibovitz and David LaChapelle, I opted for the camera.

All I wanted to do was create beautiful images for a living. By signing up for a degree in fine art photography, little did I know what lay ahead for me.

15/100... more

Photographer Casey Mac created this wild image by shooting ~800 photos of kite boarders at California’s Waddell Creek Beach and then blending the shots together in Photoshop. The photo is titled “Rush Hour.” (Here’s... more

Branden Harvey became a professional photographer at the age of 16. He has since become an extremely popular photographer on social media, boasting over 104,000 followers... more
