Photography News

Professional photojournalist Josh Trujillo has been published in almost every major US newspaper and magazine, including the front page of the New York Times and full-page features in People Magazine and Sports Illustrated. Join him for an insightful look at the world through the eyes of a photojournalist.

If you’re looking to get better at photography in 2016, one great option is to do a 52-week photography challenge that forces you to complete regular assignments throughout the whole year. And we’ve found a great one you can take on as your new year’s resolution.

Photographer ... more

Amazon had another record-breaking holiday season this year, with huge gains in product sales, Prime membership subscriptions, and digital streaming. You may, however, be surprised to hear what came out on top on the list of best-selling photography products over the holidays.

It was film.

That’s right. Film. Amazon... more

In a recent post about “How Camera Gear was stolen in 2015,” it was reported that 31% of gear theft victims had their gear stolen from their car. The good news is that a $30 dollar fix can leave you feeling a little less worried to leave your equipment in the trunk.

A large majority of car break-ins are smash and grab and/or the thieves open the trunk from the inside. Oftentimes... more

Kansas-based hair colorist Ursula Goff recently shared these two selfies side-by-side to show... more

Want to see which of your Instagram photos made the biggest splash in 2015? 2015bestnine is a new website designed for just that. There’s no login or registration required: simply enter the account username you’d like to see, and the site will spit out the 9 most liked photos of the year... more

Street photographer Willem Jonkers often hits the streets of Rotterdam in the Netherlands with an ultra-wide-angle 8mm fisheye lens. He then approaches strangers and gets not only close, but low — really low.

His collection of ultra-low, ultra-wide street portraits show a... more

Here’s a short 3-minute comedy video by Mashable that offers a “behind the scenes” look at how Facebook autotags the photos you share with the names of your friends and family. No, it’s not a sophisticated facial recognition algorithm, the video says. Instead, it’s a brilliant, dedicated, and real live human named Paul Zuckerberg.

“How does Facebook’s facial recognition really work? Meet Paul, the guy who looks through every... more
