We meet at: 

St Matthews Anglican Church Hall
Corner of Nepean Highway & Park Road Cheltenham

Melways: Map 86 J1

The club meets twice monthly on the first and third Tuesdays [see Program]. These meetings commence at 8.00pm and it's best to arrive before 7.45pm.  In addition, will have a skills night on the second Tuesday of the month for members only.

You have many options.  You could:

If your enquiry is about his site then you can contact the webmaster using our Contact Form.

I you're ready to join SSPS then please use our online Membership Application.


Details of our current fees, and an online membership form are available here.  These may be paid in person to the treasurer or via direct payments to the SSPS bank account. 

For new members the fees are due when you apply for membership and your membership will not be activated until you have paid them.

The fees for existing members are due 1st January of each year.  Members who are not financial cannot enter the club competitions, attend skills nights, vote at any formal meeting of the club and cannot be a member of the committee.

SSPS direct payment details:

BSB: 083 337
Account number: 51 523 7402
Account name: Southern Suburbs Photographic Society Inc.


The meeting fee is used to offset the ongoing running costs of the club such as nightly hall rental and competition judges honorarium.


Full information on doing this is contained in the first document detailed here.

Note that this information is only available to members.

Full information on doing this is contained in the first document detailed here.

Note that this information is only available to members.

Full information on doing this is contained in the first document detailed here.

Note that this information is only available to members.

Select Activities and then Past Skills Nights

This information is only available to members.