Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Creativity has no limits, and this photographer is one of many people who confirmed this with an example. Tyson Haslam used his creativity and some very cheap pieces to create a giant X-ray camera. After some thinking and time, he really made something unique and above all – functional. Tyson picked up photography about three […]

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We are surrounded by commercials, promotional images and all sorts of advertising material. Most of us take it for granted and doesnt think much about the message these materials send. But an L.A. based photographer, Raffael Dickreuter, paid attention to advertising campaigns of famous brands and noticed something very negative about them – they lack […]

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Quick heads-up on a great deal: Midwest Photo is giving away a free 7-DVD set of Lighting in Layers (more info on the DVDs, here) with every single Jumpstarter kit purchased, while supplies last.

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Photography gives you an awesome opportunity to present to the world your vision of it rather than its absolute reality. At their best, photos can evoke the feel of a moment without being an exact representation of it. Think of the last time you fell in love. Most likely, your memories arent clear, linear progressions, but rather a series of moments, blurred together by a high-dose cocktail of dopamine and romance. Life can be a blur and feel so good.For me, thats where tilt-shift portraits... more

Flickr have released their 2016 end of year review, and, it’s actually not that much different from last year. Mobile phones still dominate, and mirrorless still lag way behind. What’s interesting, though, is that while the leader board hasn’t really changed, the numbers have. Last year, 39% of all photos uploaded to Flickr were shot […]

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In April this year Airbnb launched its Neighbourhood guides where locals share their knowledge of where they live to enable people visiting cities from Seoul to San Francisco to get the best experience from their trips. To help illustrate these guides, Airbnb has struck a deal with Foursquare. From now on, photos uploaded to Foursquare […]

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Holiday season is (finally) here. For photographers, this means lots of bokeh and glittering, Christmassy photos. But most of us are left strapped for cash after buying all the holiday gifts. Still, the budget doesnt have to stand in the way of your creativity. As a matter of fact, it can even boost it. In […]

The post How to make your own Star filter on a budget appeared first on... more

VSCO is an app of choice of many smartphone photographers. It is basically a more artistic and more sophisticated version of Instagram, which allows you to edit your smartphone photos and make them look more appealing. This month, the VSCO iPhone app has got a big and important update – it can now support RAW […]

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At this time of year, having Christmas lights in the background of your shots is not only common, it’s desired. Especially for those bokeh fanatics. The last few years, though, there’s been a trend away from the more traditional Christmas lights toward low energy LEDs. Being in the room with them, just looking at them, […]

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A detailed and accurate face mapping is a complex task. It requires a series of photos with ideal and consistent lighting from different angles. If you want to capture all the details and imperfections of the face, you need professional lighting and multiple shots. However, a group of researches is on the way of changing […]

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